I’m grateful I slept my depression away, sleep really is important.

Here are reasons why we have to get more sleep, the science behind sleep and feeling well.

Sierra Ayonnie
6 min readJul 20, 2022
Photo by Quin Stevenson on Unsplash

Sleep is a real issue in American culture.

For whatever reason, we don’t believe in resting at night which leaves us running up Starbucks and brewing coffee pots in order to continue to function. Gratefully, I never fell for the coffee trap to replace sleep — but stressfully, I joined the military and my entire sleep routine was completely thrown off.

The truth about being a soldier is that you sleep whenever, and it is not a priority. You don’t get to really rest and heal your body because you’re constantly on the move to doing what you have to do next, sleep is seen as a luxury. You could be up as early as 5 AM after going to bed as late as 1 AM trying to prepare for the next day.

But, I realize it’s not just in the military where this culture is normal, it’s in a lot of spaces such as college campuses, offices who are over extending their employees, extracurricular activities where people are training and then preparing for events rather it be sports, theatre, or even performances. We are a competitive country, no matter the industry we are in we have a serious need to perform and many of us want to



Sierra Ayonnie

simagainze.art for more — in love with writing about fashion, love, current events, business, and entertainment 📸— follow me on KDP